It may seem like this particular home improvement hardware project doesn’t add much aesthetic value to your house, but let’s be honest – trimming around 5-10% off your heating/cooling bill, plus giving you more control over the interior temperature all while getting a new high-tech gadget is a win-win-win. You can avoid coming home to a hot house after a long day at work by using a programmable thermostat. It gives you peace of mind when leaving pets at home, regardless of how hot it might be. At $75-$120 for a professional installation, it is truly a fantastic way to ensure your home is as comfortable as possible. our home. A good place to find information about choosing the right thermostat is . And no need to fear! Programmable As with most electronic devices in our modern age, programmable thermostats have become increasingly.
A Splash of Color on an Accent Wall:
An entire wall can be a nightmare (we know), and after a long week of work, taking on such an overwhelming and exhausting task inevitably results in the same old neutral beige wall. Fortunately, home improvement hardware there is this compromise. Why not do an accent wall? It is impossible to ignore the impact of a single wall of color in a room. An accent wall is a great place to start when remodeling or furnishing your home. You have a color palette with which to work and can use that to select pillows, rugs, chairs, etc. From start to finish, painting an accent wall takes around 6-8 hours depending on the size of the wall you’re painting.
Customize or faux-customize your headboard:
There’s no limit to what you can do with this one. Your thrift store or Goodwill ventures can yield amazing results at unbelievably low prices (if there are any). Being in touch with, and active A good understanding of Craigslist and active monitoring is a secret weapon for designing within a budget., pastels, or even fabrics and various textures! Recently a trend has been becoming more and more popular in US homes: a faux headboard home improvement hardware. What does this mean? It means that you literally use the wall and space already available to create a creative and very innovative design in place of a bulky headboard in your room.
Check out Pinterest for some amazing design inspiration. You decide how complex and time-consuming a headboard creation of your own will be. There are even companies that offer templates and wall decals that can be applied directly to the wall. . .
How to DIY a Message Center:
In case you are anything like me, you have mental “to-do” lists, family commitments to keep, errands to run, bills to pay, and a way of communicating that often goes unnoticed. Making a DIY message center is a great way to keep everyone on the same page. This type of message center has the advantage that most, if not all, of the materials you may need are either available at a local thrift store or can be found for free on Craigslist.
You don’t have to use a chalkboard to create your message center. Chalkboards are easy to use, especially since they are now available in large sheets with an adhesive backing, but a pane of glass (painted on one side) framed would also work. The board mimics the look of a dry-erase board, but with a lot more style. You can even use a very thin piece of aluminum if you are solely using magnets, and for those crafty sewers out there, cloth and ribbon will also make a lovely, versatile, and most importantly, functional piece for your house.
Replace Your Faucets:
An often overlooked item on the “home improvement” list- changing your faucets can make a significant difference to how your room looks and feels. Besides accent pillows, it is the easiest way to make a kitchen or bathroom look more vibrant. There is a lot of great stuff at your local hardware store – don’t be afraid to take a chance! Don’t forget to make sure your hardware matches and decide if it is important to you to have the same hardware throughout your house. Also use this opportunity to re-pet-proof and kid-proof your low-lying cabinets.